Adrian had always wanted to be listed as a MV70, male veteran for the uninitiated. So he ran the Edinburgh Marathon for the Alzheimer's Society in May, and then his usual Yorkshireman Fell Marathon in September. Both were harder work, no doubt because of the new decade. He keeps thinking that it's time to reduce to half marathons, but time will tell.
us the highlight, not least because everyone came forward for prayer.
The centrepiece of our caravanning was five weeks in France, which took us to Amiens, the Loire (Checy), Orleans, Vezelay, Chambery and Bourg-St-Maurice. We are not now able to do as much steep walking as formerly, but a mixture of art galleries, country walks and the occasional foray into the foothills is deeply satisfying.
When we are not playing, we keep ourselves pretty busy. Adrian gives spiritual direction and speaks at a number of retreats. Jill does voluntary chaplaincy in the Emergency Department at Queen's Medical Centre once a week and occasional bank chaplaincy at Queen's
For those who know our wider family, Michael is now a Chaplain in the Royal Navy, having moved from the RAF and Helen continues with Youth and Children's work in a multi-parish benefice in rural Hampshire. Rachel and Dave are settled in Occupational Therapy and Electrical Services respectively. Our four granddaughters are now 19, 17, 15 and 12. That's what makes us feel really old, but we are delighted that Hannah (19) has come to the University of Nottingham to read Global Issues and International Affairs, so we are really enjoying getting to know her as an adult.
We're writing this in the tradition of the 'Christmas letter' and are grateful that we get news back from so many of our friends. But we are intensely aware, writing this in the week of the third General Election, that we live in unpredictable, politically foolish and troubling times. So our prayer for all our family and friends is that you may find peace in the midst of uncertainty, hope among deeply conflicted proposals for the future, and - if you are a Christian - enduring faith in Jesus, our Lord and Saviour.